Swiss Chocolate Cheese Cake with Apricots Recipe

  • 175 g petits beurre biscuits
  • 50 g butter
  • 175 g sugar
  • 500 low fat cottage cheese
  • 6 leaves of gelatine
  • 3 fresh eggs
  • 1 tin of apricot halves (500 g)
  • 100 g plain dark chocolate
  • 0.5 dl espresso coffee
  • 2 dl full cream

For one spring cake tin or one flan case 22 cm in diameter
Yield: 8–12 pieces
Preparation time: approx. 45 minutes
Total time: at least 6 hours to set

  1. Use a rolling pin to mash the Petits Beurres biscuits inside a plastic bag into fine pieces. 
  2. Melt the butter. 
  3. Add 25 g sugar and 2 dessert spoons of cottage cheese to the biscuits and mix well. 
  4. Grease the sides of the spring cake tin or the flan case with a little butter, and line with a strip of grease proof paper. 
  5. Place the tin on a flan tray. 
  6. Spread the biscuit mixture evenly inside the ring. 
  7. Press down well to make a base approximately 1 cm thick.
  8. Place the gelatine in cold water for 10 minutes. 
  9. Separate the eggs. 
  10. Stir the egg yolk with 75 g of sugar until frothy. 
  11. Mix in the cottage cheese. 
  12. Dissolve the gelatine in 2 dessert spoons of the cottage cheese mixture over a low heat. Stir into the rest of the cottage cheese mixture. 
  13. Divide the mixture into two bowls.
  14. Drain the apricots, keep the juice on one side. 
  15. Stir in 1 dl of the apricot juice into one of the cottage cheese mixtures. 
  16. Break up the chocolate and dissolve the pieces in the espresso coffee over the lowest heat setting. 
  17. Stir into the other cottage cheese mixture. 
  18. Beat the egg white until stiff, gradually add 75 g of sugar to the mixture and continue stirring for a while. 
  19. Fold half into each of the cottage cheese mixtures. 
  20. Whip the cream until stiff and add one half to each of the cottage cheese mixtures. 
  21. Pour the dark mixture onto the base. 
  22. Put aside to cool for 10 minutes.
  23. Place half of the apricots to one side for the decoration
  24. Spread the apricots over the dark mixture. 
  25. Smooth the light mixture over the top
  26. Keep in the refrigerator for a minimum of 6 hours to set. Decorate with apricots.

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