Easy Yummy Apple Oven Pancake Recipe

apple oven pancake
If you want to make apple oven pancake, the first thing to do is cleaning and removing blemishes on apples and chop to one quarter inch pieces or smaller. You need only 1 medium apple, peel and slice it. The next steps just follow the directions... While sugar need not be included, you couldn’t make this apple oven pancake with all wheat flour or it won’t make fleecy. (I’ve attempted.). An oven (apple) pancakes should be puffy and hollow! You can, nevertheless, make it with 50% white wheat and 50% all-purpose wheat flour. According to orginal of this apple oven pancake recipe, this is a recipe for 4, however I don’t know who can eat just a fourth of a pancake!!!

How to Make Easy Chicken Bruschetta

chicken bruschetta
How to Make Easy Chicken Bruschetta - This chicken recipe is not for the dainty eater. Earnestly, the image in this article could look all attractive and all, but its determined to get disorganized. It beyond any doubt got untidy for me but maybe that was being as how I set aside my fork and knife and utilized my hands within scurry to get every last trace of the quality-pressed goodness in my mouth.

Nasi Goreng (Indonesian Fried Rice)

fried rice
Nasi Goreng (Indonesian Fried Rice) - Nasi goreng or actually fried rice in English, is food made from rice which is fried with spices and other ingredients. Fried rice is a popular food in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Rice is one of important traditional Chinese cuisine, according to historical records already existed around 4000 BC. Fried rice then spread to Southeast Asia brought by Chinese nomads who settled there and created the typical local fried rice which is based on the difference in the spices and how to fry. Fried rice is actually emerged from several properties in the Chinese culture, that does not like to eat cold food and also remove the remaining food a few days earlier. Hence, the cold rice then fried to be served again at the table.


Indonesian Food - Rendang - Rendang is one of Minangkabau (an ethnic goup in West Sumatra Province, Indonesia) traditional dishes that use meat and coconut milk as a main ingredient and enriched with spices. Rendang, a dish with a spicy flavor is favored by the Indonesian community, and can be found all over the Padang Restaurant in Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries. This dish is sometimes better known as Rendang Padang, but rendang is Minang cuisine in general.


Indonesian Food - Bakso - Bakso or baso or meatball is a food, commonly made from ground meat blended with other ingredients. rolled into balls (small and sometimes bigger) and then to be cooked. Generally bakso are cooked by stewing, but can also by baking, frying, or steaming. Unlike sausage, making bakso is without process of curing, casing and smoking.